Diet high protein inhibits weight loss

Diet high protein inhibits weight loss

October 19, 2016 Source: Science Network -

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“We found that women who lost weight through a high-protein diet did not have an improvement in insulin sensitivity. But women who lost weight with normal protein had a significantly increased sensitivity to insulin.” The research director, Professor of the University of Washington School of Medicine Bettina Mittendorfer said, “This is important for health because insulin in overweight and obese people cannot effectively control blood sugar levels and eventually induce type 2 diabetes.”

Mittendorfer and colleagues studied 34 obese women between the ages of 50 and 65. Although all participants had a body mass index of at least 30, they did not have diabetes. In a 28-week study, the researchers randomized them into three groups. They asked the control group to maintain their weight and provided the second group with a protein-reducing diet that met the daily nutritional recommendation (RDA). Three groups of women consumed a higher diet protein diet.

The results showed that the protein intake was in line with the RDA-recommended women, and weight loss brought great benefits to metabolism, and insulin sensitivity increased by 25-30%. Such an increase can reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Women with a high-protein diet did not achieve this improvement. “Although their weight has been reduced a lot, women with a high-protein diet have no metabolic benefits to lose weight,” Mittendorfer said.

But the researchers said it is unclear why insulin sensitivity in the high-protein diet group did not improve.

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